

A pharmacy account allows independent, chain, and compounding pharmacies to enhance the value and services they offer to their patients and community. This account provides additional resources and capabilities for pharmacists, pharmacy owners, and pharmacy managers.

By facilitating direct access to lab tests, pharmacies can streamline the testing process, saving patients time and reducing costs. Contact us to learn about our competitive pricing and how we can help your patients save on their healthcare expenses.


1.Solution for your cash pay customers or those who have high insurance deductibles.
2.Have a virtual doctor place a lab order electronically for your customer in seconds.
3.No need to send patients to their PCP to get the lab results that will help you.
4.Receive results electronically as soon as they are released by the lab.
5.Over 6,000 lab tests available.
6.Web login for your customers to place orders and view results.
7.Virtual Doctor consults available, if needed.
8.Find the nearest testing center for specimen collection.
9.Access to thousands of testing centers.
10.Available in 47 states.

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